Obtaining Official Approvals

01.12.2020 | Law & Tax

Before you can start your business, you may need to obtain permits, licenses or approvals for your company. Here it must be taken into account that there may be time delays and additional costs in case of official inspections.

Trade Supervisory Office

The trade supervisory authorities of the federal states supervise the compliance with regulations of the industrial safety, environmental and consumer protection. It is their task to check that businesses subject to authorization or permit are in compliance with the regulations and obligations applicable to the respective business during the entire period of operation.

Environmental Agency

Any requirements of the environmental authorities must also be observed. For example, the costs of meeting environmental protection requirements are often underestimated, for instant for renaturalization, or the entrepreneur is not aware of the legal provisions of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG).

Building Authority

If rooms that are currently used for residential purposes are to be used as business premises in the future, a change of use must be applied for at the responsible building authority. This application should be submitted as early as possible in order to be able to coordinate planned conversions and new buildings with the building authority in good time.

Health Authority

In addition, legal requirements and conditions of the public health department must be observed. For example, newly founded catering businesses must have received instruction in accordance with the Infection Protection Act from the public health department or an appointed doctor. In addition, an official certificate of good conduct and a confirmation from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of participation in a seminar on hygiene and the handling of food must be available. Employees require a certificate of no objection from the public health officer. In addition, checks are carried out to ensure that the hygienic standards are observed.