Authorities- Offices- Institutions

06.11.2020 | Uncategorized

Before the startup can really get underway, some formalities have to be completed with the authorities and institutions. These vary depending on the industry and activity. Every self-employment must be registered , even if it is only part-time. In most cases, a trade must be registered with the trade office, which then automatically notifies other institutions. (NOCH AKTUELL????) The registration as a trade is usually uncomplicated, but for some activities special permits are required. Information on these trades requiring permits is available.
The Trade Licensing Office forwards the information of the registration directly to other institutions. These are the tax office and, depending on the type of start-up, for example the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) or the Chamber of Crafts (HWK) and the trade association.
Merchants  within the meaning of the Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch) must be registered in the commercial register at the local court.
Independent or liberal professionals, such as doctors, do not register at the trade office, but must go directly to the tax office and apply for a tax number.
If employees are to be hired, a company number must be applied for at the employment agency and the employees must be registered with the social insurance companies. Self-employed persons themselves are largely exempt from compulsory insurance, but should in any case deal with the subject of private and company insurance and conclude appropriate contracts.
It may also be necessary to register with other institutions, for example, with the employers’ liability insurance association or the State Statistical Office. Members of the liberal professions must register with the appropriate professional chamber. It may also be necessary to obtain permits from various authorities (link Official permits), for example, the trade supervisory authority.

You can find the detailed information on Legal registrations und Official approvals.