The Trinational KTUR Summer School provides first-hand insights into the dynamic world of entrepreneurs. Over the course of a week, the big questions of any business are examined from a practical perspective: What is my business model? How do I make money? Where does the funding come from? How can I attract enough customers? Am I suitable as an entrepreneur? What is a business plan? How do I attract and motivate employees?
Furthermore, do you enjoy meeting students from Germany and France and extend your network in the Upper Rhine Region? Then this Summer School is for you. It is a collaboration across borders between University of Strasbourg, University of Freiburg and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. The class will compromise of students from all three countries and we will have inputs from lecturers and founders from the different universities. The sessions are interactive and each day there is time to apply the tools and techniques to business ideas from the class in interdisciplinary teams.
Target Group
Students at all levels in the Upper Rhine region; especially students with little knowledge of business administration.
- Students who are considering setting up their own company in the future.
- Students who want to understand what it means to start and run a business. It is not necessary to already have a business idea or entrepreneurial activities. Interest in the topic is crucial.
The Summer School is limited to 30 participants.
Timeframe/ Location
Monday 29 August until Friday 2 September 2022. The five days will be divided between University of Strasbourg (France) for Monday/Tuesday, Campus Basel FHNW (Switzerland) for Wednesday/Thursday and University of Freiburg (Germany) for Friday.
Please apply with a short summary of why you want to be part of the Trinational KTUR Summer School. The deadline for registration is May 30, 2022. The number of places is limited. You will hear from us by mid June 2022, whether your application was successful or not.
Earning Credits
The Summer School gives 2 ECTS. Active participation during the whole week is required to receive the credits. Please contact your university regarding the recognition.