For start-ups, opening up a market often turns out to be very difficult because there are many market entry barriers to overcome. Market entry...
Ideas & Models
Another popular alternative to start your own business is to participate in a franchise system. Here a proven business concept is adopted: An...
Nowadays, more and more companies are outsourcing more and more services, that were previously carried out within the company, to external business...
Elevator Pitch
An elevator pitch (elevator presentation) is a short, informative and concise presentation of a business idea for a product. The idea behind it is...
Business Model
Developing a business idea is not enough to achieve economic success. Rather, you are now faced with the task of finding out how your idea can be...
Design thinking
Currently, design thinking is a popular concept for creative problem solving, and was first developed by the IDEO ideas agency. In essence, this...
Blue Ocean Strategy
A popular concept for creating new business models is the Blue Ocean Strategy [1], which was developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne based on...
Lean Startup
A currently popular approach to generating business ideas is the lean- startup method developed by Eric Ries. [1] The term "lean" is borrowed from...